Colorado Area Codes
Colorado has 4 area code(s). Clicking on an area code below will show you the Colorado cities in that area code.
Colorado City Listings
Select a city below to view its area code.
- Acres Green
- Aetna Estates
- Aguilar
- Air Force Academy
- Akron
- Alamosa
- Alamosa East
- Allenspark
- Alma
- Alpine
- Altona
- Amherst
- Antonito
- Applewood
- Arapahoe
- Arboles
- Aristocrat Ranchettes
- Arriba
- Arvada
- Aspen
- Aspen Park
- Atwood
- Ault
- Aurora
- Avon
- Avondale
- Bark Ranch
- Basalt
- Battlement Mesa
- Bayfield
- Bennett
- Berkley
- Berthoud
- Bethune
- Beulah Valley
- Black Forest
- Black Hawk
- Blanca
- Blende
- Blue River
- Blue Sky
- Blue Valley
- Bonanza
- Bonanza Mountain Estates
- Boone
- Boulder
- Bow Mar
- Brandon
- Branson
- Breckenridge
- Brick Center
- Briggsdale
- Brighton
- Brook Forest
- Brookside
- Broomfield
- Brush
- Buena Vista
- Burlington
- Byers
- Calhan
- Campo
- Cañon City
- Capulin
- Carbonate
- Carbondale
- Cascade-Chipita Park
- Castle Pines
- Castle Pines Village
- Castle Rock
- Cathedral
- Catherine
- Cattle Creek
- Cedaredge
- Centennial
- Center
- Central City
- Chacra
- Cheraw
- Cherry Creek
- Cherry Hills Village
- Cheyenne Wells
- Cimarron Hills
- City of Creede
- Clifton
- Coal Creek
- Coaldale
- Cokedale
- Collbran
- Colona
- Colorado City
- Colorado Springs
- Columbine
- Columbine Valley
- Comanche Creek
- Commerce City
- Conejos
- Cope
- Copper Mountain
- Cortez
- Cotopaxi
- Craig
- Crawford
- Crested Butte
- Crestone
- Cripple Creek
- Crisman
- Crook
- Crowley
- Dacono
- Dakota Ridge
- De Beque
- Deer Trail
- Del Norte
- Delta
- Denver
- Derby
- Dillon
- Dinosaur
- Divide
- Dolores
- Dotsero
- Dove Creek
- Dove Valley
- Downieville-Lawson-Dumont
- Durango
- Eads
- Eagle
- East Pleasant View
- Eaton
- Echo Hills
- Eckley
- Edgewater
- Edwards
- El Jebel
- El Moro
- Elbert
- Eldora
- Eldorado Springs
- Elizabeth
- Ellicott
- Empire
- Englewood
- Erie
- Estes Park
- Evans
- Evergreen
- Fairmount
- Fairplay
- Federal Heights
- Firestone
- Flagler
- Fleming
- Florence
- Florissant
- Floyd Hill
- Fort Carson
- Fort Collins
- Fort Garland
- Fort Lupton
- Fort Morgan
- Fountain
- Four Square Mile
- Fowler
- Foxfield
- Franktown
- Fraser
- Frederick
- Frisco
- Fruita
- Fruitvale
- Fulford
- Garden City
- Gardner
- Garfield
- Genesee
- Genoa
- Georgetown
- Gerrard
- Gilcrest
- Glendale
- Gleneagle
- Glenwood Springs
- Gold Hill
- Golden
- Goldfield
- Granada
- Granby
- Grand Junction
- Grand Lake
- Grand View Estates
- Greeley
- Green Mountain Falls
- Greenwood Village
- Grover
- Guffey
- Gunbarrel
- Gunnison
- Gypsum
- Hartman
- Hartsel
- Hasty
- Haswell
- Haxtun
- Hayden
- Heeney
- Hidden Lake
- Highlands Ranch
- Hillrose
- Hoehne
- Holly
- Holly Hills
- Holyoke
- Hooper
- Hot Sulphur Springs
- Hotchkiss
- Howard
- Hudson
- Hugo
- Idaho Springs
- Idalia
- Idledale
- Ignacio
- Iliff
- Indian Hills
- Inverness
- Jackson Lake
- Jamestown
- Jansen
- Joes
- Johnson Village
- Johnstown
- Julesburg
- Keenesburg
- Ken Caryl
- Kersey
- Keystone
- Kim
- Kiowa
- Kirk
- Kit Carson
- Kittredge
- Kremmling
- La Jara
- La Junta
- La Junta Gardens
- La Salle
- La Veta
- Lafayette
- Laird
- Lake City
- Lakeside
- Lakewood
- Lamar
- Laporte
- Larkspur
- Las Animas
- Lazear
- Lazy Acres
- Leadville
- Leadville North
- Lewis
- Leyner
- Limon
- Lincoln Park
- Littleton
- Lochbuie
- Log Lane Village
- Loghill Village
- Loma
- Lone Tree
- Longmont
- Louisville
- Louviers
- Loveland
- Lynn
- Lyons
- Manassa
- Mancos
- Manitou Springs
- Manzanola
- Marble
- Marvel
- Matheson
- Maybell
- Maysville
- McClave
- McCoy
- Mead
- Meeker
- Meridian
- Meridian Village
- Merino
- Midland
- Milliken
- Minturn
- Moffat
- Monte Vista
- Montezuma
- Montrose
- Monument
- Morgan Heights
- Morrison
- Mount Crested Butte
- Mountain Meadows
- Mountain View
- Mountain Village
- Mulford
- Nathrop
- Naturita
- Nederland
- New Castle
- Niwot
- No Name
- Norrie
- North La Junta
- North Washington
- Northglenn
- Norwood
- Nucla
- Nunn
- Oak Creek
- Olathe
- Olney Springs
- Ophir
- Orchard
- Orchard City
- Orchard Mesa
- Ordway
- Otis
- Ouray
- Ovid
- Padroni
- Pagosa Springs
- Palisade
- Palmer Lake
- Paoli
- Paonia
- Parachute
- Paragon Estates
- Park Center
- Parker
- Parshall
- Peetz
- Penrose
- Peoria
- Perry Park
- Peyton
- Phippsburg
- Piedra
- Pierce
- Pine Brook Hill
- Pine Valley
- Pitkin
- Placerville
- Platteville
- Poncha Springs
- Ponderosa Park
- Portland
- Pritchett
- Pueblo
- Pueblo West
- Ramah
- Rangely
- Raymer (New Raymer)
- Red Cliff
- Red Feather Lakes
- Redlands
- Redstone
- Redvale
- Rico
- Ridgway
- Rifle
- Rock Creek Park
- Rockvale
- Rocky Ford
- Rollinsville
- Romeo
- Roxborough Park
- Rye
- Saddle Ridge
- Saguache
- Salida
- Salt Creek
- San Acacio
- San Luis
- Sanford
- Sawpit
- Security-Widefield
- Sedalia
- Sedgwick
- Segundo
- Seibert
- Seven Hills
- Severance
- Shaw Heights
- Sheridan
- Sheridan Lake
- Sherrelwood
- Sierra Ridge
- Silt
- Silver Cliff
- Silver Plume
- Silverthorne
- Silverton
- Simla
- Smeltertown
- Snowmass Village
- Snyder
- Somerset
- South Fork
- Southern Ute
- Springfield
- St. Ann Highlands
- St. Mary's
- Starkville
- Steamboat Springs
- Stepping Stone
- Sterling
- Sterling Ranch
- Stonegate
- Stonewall Gap
- Strasburg
- Stratmoor
- Stratton
- Sugar City
- Sugarloaf
- Sunshine
- Superior
- Swink
- Tabernash
- Tall Timber
- Telluride
- The Pinery
- Thornton
- Timnath
- Todd Creek
- Towaoc
- Towner
- Trail Side
- Trinidad
- Twin Lakes
- Two Buttes
- Upper Bear Creek
- Upper Witter Gulch
- Vail
- Valdez
- Valmont
- Vernon
- Victor
- Vilas
- Vineland
- Vona
- Walden
- Walsenburg
- Walsh
- Ward
- Watkins
- Welby
- Weldona
- Wellington
- West Pleasant View
- Westcliffe
- Westcreek
- Westminster
- Weston
- Wheat Ridge
- Wiggins
- Wiley
- Williamsburg
- Windsor
- Winter Park
- Wolcott
- Woodland Park
- Woodmoor
- Woody Creek
- Wray
- Yampa
- Yuma
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