435 Area Code
The 435 Area Code in Utah includes 241 cities. The cities in this area code are listed below.
435 Area Code City Listings
- Altamont
- Alton
- Amalga
- Aneth
- Annabella
- Antimony
- Apple Valley
- Aurora
- Avon
- Ballard
- Bear River City
- Beaver
- Benson
- Beryl Junction
- Bicknell
- Big Water
- Blanding
- Bluebell
- Bluff
- Bonanza
- Boulder
- Brian Head
- Brigham City
- Bryce Canyon City
- Cache
- Cannonville
- Carbonville
- Castle Dale
- Castle Valley
- Cedar City
- Cedar Highlands
- Centerfield
- Central
- Central Valley
- Charleston
- Circleville
- Clarkston
- Clawson
- Clear Creek
- Cleveland
- Coalville
- Corinne
- Cornish
- Cove
- Dammeron Valley
- Daniel
- Delta
- Deseret
- Deweyville
- Duchesne
- Dugway
- Dutch John
- East Basin
- East Carbon
- Echo
- Elmo
- Elsinore
- Elwood
- Emery
- Enoch
- Enterprise
- Ephraim
- Erda
- Escalante
- Eureka
- Fairview
- Fayette
- Ferron
- Fielding
- Fillmore
- Flaming Gorge
- Fort Duchesne
- Fountain Green
- Francis
- Fremont
- Garden
- Garden City
- Garland
- Glendale
- Glenwood
- Grantsville
- Green River
- Gunnison
- Halchita
- Halls Crossing
- Hanksville
- Hatch
- Heber
- Helper
- Henefer
- Henrieville
- Hideout
- Hildale
- Hinckley
- Holden
- Honeyville
- Howell
- Hoytsville
- Huntington
- Hurricane
- Hyde Park
- Hyrum
- Independence
- Interlaken
- Ivins
- Jensen
- Joseph
- Junction
- Kamas
- Kanab
- Kanarraville
- Kanosh
- Kenilworth
- Kingston
- Koosharem
- La Sal
- La Verkin
- Laketown
- Lapoint
- Leamington
- Leeds
- Levan
- Lewiston
- Loa
- Logan
- Lyman
- Lynndyl
- Maeser
- Manila
- Manti
- Mantua
- Marion
- Marysvale
- Mayfield
- Meadow
- Mendon
- Mexican Hat
- Midway
- Milford
- Millville
- Minersville
- Moab
- Modena
- Mona
- Monroe
- Montezuma Creek
- Monticello
- Moroni
- Mount Pleasant
- Myton
- Naples
- Navajo Mountain
- Neola
- Nephi
- New Harmony
- Newcastle
- Newton
- Nibley
- North Logan
- Oak City
- Oakley
- Oasis
- Oljato-Monument Valley
- Ophir
- Orangeville
- Orderville
- Panguitch
- Paradise
- Paragonah
- Park City
- Parowan
- Peoa
- Perry
- Peter
- Pine Valley
- Plymouth
- Portage
- Price
- Providence
- Randlett
- Randolph
- Redmond
- Richfield
- Richmond
- River Heights
- Riverside
- Rockville
- Rocky Ridge
- Roosevelt
- Rush Valley
- Salina
- Samak
- Santa Clara
- Scipio
- Scofield
- Sigurd
- Silver Summit
- Smithfield
- Snowville
- Snyderville
- South Willard
- Spanish Valley
- Spring City
- Spring Glen
- Springdale
- St. George
- Stansbury Park
- Sterling
- Stockton
- Summit
- Summit Park
- Sutherland
- Tabiona
- Teasdale
- Thatcher
- Thompson Springs
- Timber Lakes
- Tooele
- Toquerville
- Torrey
- Tremonton
- Trenton
- Tropic
- Tselakai Dezza
- Vernal
- Vernon
- Veyo
- Virgin
- Wales
- Wallsburg
- Wanship
- Washington
- Wellington
- Wellsville
- Wendover
- West Wood
- White Mesa
- Whiterocks
- Willard
- Woodland
- Woodruff
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