Portrait of President John Tyler

John Tyler

10th President of the United States
Years in Office: 1841-1845
Party: Whig

Did you know?

President John Tyler had 15 children, the most of any U.S. president. His large family brought a lively and bustling atmosphere to the White House during his time in office.

John Tyler

John Tyler, born on March 29, 1790, was the 10th President of the United States, serving from 1841 to 1845. He holds the distinction of being the first Vice President to assume the presidency due to the death of a sitting president, succeeding William Henry Harrison after his brief tenure. Tyler, a Democrat-Republican, faced significant challenges during his presidency, including tension over the annexation of Texas and economic difficulties. His support for the annexation led to the addition of Texas to the Union in 1845.

Tyler's presidency was marked by his commitment to strict constructionist views, which often brought him into conflict with his own party and Congress. He faced a divided cabinet and opposition from both Whigs and Democrats, earning him the nickname "His Accidency." After leaving the presidency, Tyler retired from politics and later served as a member of the Confederate Congress during the Civil War. John Tyler passed away on January 18, 1862, leaving behind a complex legacy as a president who navigated the challenges of a turbulent era.

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