Kentucky State Seal

Kentucky State Seal

The Seal of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, adopted in December 1792 and revised over time, currently depicts two figures, one in buckskin attire and the other in formal clothing, facing each other and clasping hands. Surrounding them is the inscription "Commonwealth of Kentucky," and within the inner circle, the state motto, "United we stand, divided we fall," is displayed. Originally, the seal was meant to depict two friends in hunter's garb, symbolizing unity on the edge of danger, but it evolved to show them in various attire and poses over the years. Although popular belief associates the figures with Daniel Boone and Henry Clay, the official interpretation is that they represent all frontiersmen and statesmen, rather than specific individuals. The motto is derived from a patriotic song of the American Revolution, emphasizing unity's strength. The current version of the seal was designed by artist Nan Gorman, and it also appears on the Kentucky state flag.

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